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Developing a course online for the first time can be a daunting task, as can sorting through the tools and resources you need to get started. To help busy faculty get up to speed on the “must-haves” for a quality online course, the Academy developed a 15-item...

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With fall semester approaching, it’s a good time to think about how to connect with students in a remote learning environment. Web conferencing (aka video conferencing) is a powerful learning tool that can bring real-time interaction online. There are several ways web...

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迅雷白金会员一天_超级会员1天租用_独享号:2021-6-15 · 独享号迅雷白金超级会员-本站每天会分享一两个免费迅雷会员账号,但能力有限无法提供太多免费,因此本站与实力平台合作推出迅雷独享会员号出租使用满足网友伔需求。提供迅雷会员试用一天及长期租用,类型包括白金会员、超级会员,使用会员享受高速下载特权。

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In an effort to gauge student feedback with Harper's transition to an online platform for learning during the Spring 2024 semester, a survey was administered by the College on May 11, 2024. Students were asked questions regarding the types of activities they...

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This webinar demonstrated technology tools that can be used to promote student-to-student and student-to-instructor connections in a remote learning environment. The session covered the “why” of using a tool and followed with a demonstration of its use in Blackboard...

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How-To Videos from Center for New Students

Submitted by Megan Dallianis, Director of New Student Programs and the Rita and John Canning Women’s Program The Center for New Students has created "how-to" videos to help students get oriented to technology and self-service options while employees have been working...

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请教迅游加速器实现原理? - V2EX:2021-5-27 · 程序员 - @brader - 服务器部分我懂,大概就是有自己的多线伕理服务器来加速。我想知道的是,迅游加速器,他是如何去改变游戏的请求,让游戏程序,去请求自己的服务器的?它又不需要你在游戏程序里面做设置,直接在迅游加速器点
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